Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Boo-Yah Motherfuckers! You Had the Chance to Kill Me, But Now It's Gone!

And as much as I'd like to be the kind of person who says Boo-Yah Motherfuckers without an apology or disclaimer, I'm not. So let me just say that I love the feel of saying that. Come on now: say it. Under your breath if you have to, motherfuckers! Feels fantastic, doesn't it?
I'm also not one for exclamation points, but this. ! Bryan has been gone for the past week sailing a regatta in the Caribbean. !!! Dude, I know. I was invited to go but felt that Ozzy was too young to leave, so I stayed here and single-mom'ed it. Can I just say hats off to the single moms? Holy shoosh, people. That shizz is hard. I only showered at night after the kids went to sleep but kept my head outside the shower door almost the whole time so I could hear...I don't know. Have you checked the children? "When a Stranger Calls" apparently played a big role in my formative years along with Bloody Mary and The Patchwork Monkey. I have not allowed myself to mention Bryan's absence either on my blog or on Facebook lest someone terrible comes to kill me, but tonight Bryan is back and Boo-to-the-mother-effin-Yah.
The male pin-ups? Well, they're just rad. Titled Men-Ups by photographer Rion Sabean--I believe the photographer is actually the hunk with the power drill. I am sure there is something to be said here regarding the social commentary of men in Vargas girl pin-up poses and my rather traditional gender role of feeling safer when my husband is home, but I'm too tired/excited/want to eat a bowl of cereal to explore that train of thought. Plus, I have to watch my tivo'ed episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County before Bryan gets here...



Kwana said...

I love the make pin-up an dyes I know that showing with one eye open and head out deal. You are like what? who? Glad your husband is back.

leigh said...

i can only imagine what if must be like to solo it once you have kidlets... it's bad enough when the hub is gone now... and we just have a giant dog. at least the giant-ness of said dog lets me sleep at night ;).

by the way Susannah, did you check out modcloth today? I thought of you when I saw this little colourful dress...

omg... these shoes!

Petunia Face said...

OMG Leigh I MUST HAVE THOSE SHOES!!!!!! Thank you for showing them to me! I will justify the purchase by telling myself that Bryan went to the Caribbean, I deserve uber-cute vintage Rainbow sandals.

Michelle M in KY said...

Glad you and the family are safe and sound! Congrats on single mom-ing it...that's some hard shit, I know! I, too, hate when my husband is gone.

krista said...

i'm totally with you on not posting that you're home alone when you actually home alone.
booyah motherfuckers indeed.