So in the spirit of Christmas here are a few stragglers of por favor, gimme gimme:
An oral hygiene model. Don't know why really, but I'm fairy certain it's smiling at me. Me! This would look pretty darn frisky in my bathroom, though at $55 I'm hoping it either gets wrapped up and handed to me with a tube of vanilla-mint Crest or is severely marked down post-12/26. Honestly I can't stop staring. I really really want this, don't you?
An oral hygiene model. Don't know why really, but I'm fairy certain it's smiling at me. Me! This would look pretty darn frisky in my bathroom, though at $55 I'm hoping it either gets wrapped up and handed to me with a tube of vanilla-mint Crest or is severely marked down post-12/26. Honestly I can't stop staring. I really really want this, don't you?

And then this, the most confusing gimme gimme of them all:

'Tis the season, I 'spose. For miracles and vinyl mouths, resin boobie balls and--honestly, you guys--WTF IS UP WITH COCO?
Happy Friday.
Coco claims she's 'all natural' but it's pretty evident she's had some enahancements.
I mean, just look at that hair, it's quite obvious it's bleached.
holy balls. i didn't know white girls could get a butt like that. they must be implants. have to be. it's just not genetically possible.
This is probably the only photo of Coco I've ever seen where she's not sporting a camel toe. I suppose if we were to view this from a different angle though...
Oh my gosh, what a grrrreat way to start my Friday! Am I allowed to ask wtf is up with that baby?
MFaMB: Tamra said "holy balls" on RHOC last night and I rewound and rewatched that scene probably 5 times. Filarious.
I'm wearing my sparkly red sweater at work today, folks! Hohoho!
Loved the pornament... and about Coco, I'm pretty sure after lifting weights in those shoes she walks the same as if she still has the weights on her, I feel so sorry for her spinal cord, well that's if she's got any left, ouch!
Don't you think "wtf is up with that baby" is a little thoughtless? Is that a breathing tube across the child's face? The facial features might hint toward down syndrome, and if all you can draw from the picture is your comment, then apparently the empathy function in your brain has been disabled. I might add it was thoughtless to post such a picture in the first place.
Amanda--I totally hear you about the baby, and yes I think that's a breathing tube. However, I didn't say anything about the baby. Just the bowling balls and the sweaters, those glasses--all that is enough for a wtf on a Friday morning.
Happy holidays,
wow. words cannot express. is she sporting butt implants with those hooker heels? crazy.
I, too did not know that white women could have an ass like that. However, I do think she has rockin' legs. I am definitely ordering that titty for my hubby this Christmas. I mean whenever he wants to cop a feel, all he has to do is walk over to the tree and squeeze. Thanks for that last minute gift idea. You always come thru with thought provoking originals. Happy, Happy Weekend to you and that beautiful family!
Amanda, obviously you don't know me or my heart for others via comments left on a blog. The only reason I said that is because I couldn't see it very well and I totally thought it was photoshopped, given the nature of the rest of the photo and the fact that it was posted for comment.
Every baby is a gift from God, and I apologize for any offense.
I think Coco got some pornaments for x-mas one year and had them implanted in her...everywhere.
we're not quite at that point in time (and probabaly won't ever be considering the 'progress' made with d.s. testing) where we could just notice all the 'wtf' bits according to the mother of a perfect looking child.
I LOVE the "pornament", but could think of other types of things I'd want dangling from my tree.
Coco on the other hand- jeeze, That's all I'm gonna say. jeeze.
"A tit for my tree." That almost made me pee my pants!
I never knew that I wanted an oral hygiene model, but now I'm not sure I can go on living without one. It would be the perfect accesory for my desk. Is it too late to put an order in to Santa?
It makes me sad that you feel you have to censure your art and words because of someone elses complaints.Last I checked we do still live in a country where freedom of speech is allowed,correct?
All I can say is someone can always find something offensive about something someone says,writes,draws or does etc.in any situation,theres no way everyone can always be pleased or placated all the time,thats just life.Also,because of those people I feel gypped because they took away your original blog and I had a right to read it without censorship.
Im sure there are probably people out there who are offended by boob ornaments or big butts squeezed into pink spandex(im not one though)but I say forget them and just write you,you are great just the way you are,dont change it for them or me or anyone,well for Zoe you can because babies always come first,but those others can suck it!
Couldn't have said it any better myself, so...
To Kacey and I said: I think she took it off because it was the right thing to do and not because someone was trying to censure her.
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