Small things, people. It's just that.
A dramatic representation of my weekend.
We left our car there and walked, no--Bryan had to carry me to the hotel. At some point there was a wide expanse of a parking lot and I jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride, only I forgot what to do with my hands so when he grabbed my legs I fell backwards, down, fast flat on the cement hard thwack--and I laughed. We snuck into the hot tub closed for the night, slipped off the bubble-wrap and stripped down to soak. Our friend had no place to stay, so we grabbed a plastic lounger from the pool and brought it to our room for him to sleep on. On the way he hit up the vending machines. I passed out to the sounds of somebody scarfing Cheetos, the smell of wet towels and chlorine.
Sometimes I wonder if I would be a better writer if I were a better drinker. In my twenties I used to wake up on the weekends with notes scribbled on cocktail napkins--not phone numbers but snatches of conversation, ideas. Can I borrow a pen? I asked bartenders all over the city, only more often than not I'd say est-ce que je peux emprunter un stylo? because when I am really drunk I speak french and am as annoying as fuck.
Sadly or fortunately, I do not much like to drink. Am not a drinker. Don't like the way it makes me feel before, during, but mostly after. These days I carry a ballpoint in my purse to record deductions in my check register. But this weekend it was Parents Gone Wild, and while I did not show my boobies to any cameras I probably would have had I thought about it.
This video has absolutely nothing to do with this post except that it makes me laugh as if I've just fallen into some bushes on the side of a road in Santa Cruz. Again.
It's Monday, people. Cheers to sobering thoughts and french spoken badly.