Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Me on a Mauve Carpet

When we first got Nacho we lived in the city so he was an indoor cat with pretty ears. One day I bought him a leash and took him for a drag through the iceplant at the beach. He was not happy. Then we moved to the suburbs where he became an indoor/outdoor cat with serrated ears and burrs in his tail. Now he is a very happy roast beast. The End.

You heard that right--today I am writing about my cat on a leash because this is how I feel, me on a mauve carpet. So what? A little bit prickly today, if you must know. Question (total non-sequitur at that): so many of my go-to reads are closing up shop these days so I need some new blogs to peruse. Any suggestions? Also, I've noticed that more and more blogs do not feature their fave reads and I have to ask: why? I thought blogging was about supporting one another, the blogosphere and all that. Any idea why people aren't listing so-called blog logs anymore?

Like I said: prickly. Off to go pee behind the ficus.


JackeeG4glamorous said...

so very many blog posters have closed up shop. I too have stopped writing posts as much, but dang, I still peruse many and blog hop and read.
I keep hoping that with Fall turning into winter, I will have more free time to write. Seems I'm in a creative funk all over the place.

Erin said...

All of the best bloggers, I've found on blog rolls, yourself included. A couple recent favorite finds, if you don't already know them: http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blogroll anymore because I am dumb at Wordpress and haven't figured out how to have one yet. I am also lame because I rarely leave comments because even my illicit workday affair with Google Reader is dangerous, squeezing in a quick nooner, hoping no one notices my twenty-minute lapse in productivity. Also, I have no suggestions for regularly-updated blogs.
Now I'm wondering why I even bothered to comment - I'm contributing nothing but excuses. THAT MEANS IT'S TIME FOR A DRINK.

Miss to Mrs said...

I was wondering that too. I love people's blog rolls and have found so many great blogs that way. Now I'm forced to go hunt on my own, but I was raised in captivity and not sure how to hunt on my own.

I think now that summer is over that blogging will pick back up. Blogging and summer just don't seem to mix. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. I plan on getting my happy ass back on the blogging wagon now that I can't lay out by the pool!

nova said...

Ok, you asked for it.

1. http://www.ashleyquitefrankly.com/
She's a mommy blogger, but her stories are SO FUNNY, I get so excited when she posts stuff.

2. http://www.yesandyes.org/
Inspiration, true life stories and more. It's a feel good blog.

3. http://miketerry.blogspot.com/
One of my favorite photographers.

4. http://galadarling.com/
She's a fashion model-type person who makes me care about fashion model type persons.

5. http://ohhayitskkblog.com/
Funny. She was the bloggess' fake intern unofficially via e-mail. I think.

6. http://monsterapathy.blogspot.com/
Irreverent, run-on sentences and a lot of weird. But you grow to love him.

7. http://sliceoflemon.com/
More great photos and funny stories.

8. http://awomaninsearchof.blogspot.com/
Allie writes a lot of sexy time stories. True ones.

9. http://yo-mamasblog.blogspot.com/

10. http://colormekatie.blogspot.com/
This is the happiest blog I know.

11. http://steammeupkid.blogspot.com/
Becktastic ... she's hilarious in a toilet-humor kinda way.

12. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/

If you don't know hyperbole and a half you really should. Webcomic-type funny stuff.

Now I need some suggestions because I'm having the same problem. Not enough bloggy goodness to read.

meezo said...

I'm not even that great of a blogger, but my number one reason for even having a blog, was so I could have a list of all my fave blogs on my sidebar and it would be easy to find them. Yours is one of my faves though...I only have about 50 readers a day. And ZERO who make a comment. Great question though--I need some new favorites.

mosey (kim) said...

That cat is me.

I read a good portion of your own blogroll. Here are a few others I like:

motherhood in nyc
chez danisse

Robin said...

I just updated mine - you are on there, of course. They are all great, maybe you will find a new blog to read.

Mauve is a funny word. that's all.


kate said...

Oh susannah, if you will read my blog, I promise to post more often. My children are back in school, which means their hijincks and malapropisms are thin on the ground. Perhaps this is why so many mom bloggers homeschool? Hmmm. no, that would be a disaster around here. Your blog is one of my favorites. My blogroll shows up in one of the detail things, like about me, or somewhere. Do you ever look at whorange? Or finslippy?

your fan, Kate

krista said...

i don't have a blogroll because i subscribe to over 300 blogs. yes, i admitted it. also, i feel bad if i don't include someone or they have me on theirs and i realize they aren't on mine so i stepped out of the race altogether. i'll put together a list of some faves for you and send it to you shortly.

dude, you put nacho on a leash??? awesome. nacho to go.

wonderchris said...

So, you aren't aloud to ever stop blogging. EVER. You are one of my favorite reads and imagine my tears if you stopped!! It would be messy - best to be avoided.

I would suggest your blog - so I'm no help at all. :)

sweetbittertart said...

I too love the blog rolls and hope they don't go away. It's such a wonderful and warm way to find new voices. You are on mine - yay! But since I post something about 4 times a year, this may not be super helpful. : ) Here are a couple I like:

This blog is very funny: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/

This food blog is very cute: http://whatkatieate.blogspot.com/

Sometimes I go in and out of internet mode, but I read every one of your posts and am so glad you are here. You are an amazing writer with a unique and wonderful perspective. : )

anita said...


Anonymous said...

Dude, I write like, almost everyday. And by write I mean more just take pictures of the things that I knit. So, you can check out my blog, it is a good read for sure.

Do it.

Petunia Face said...

You guys are awesome! Keep 'em coming.


shannon said...

That picture is hilarious. It was always a dream of mine to have a cat that liked going for walks.. trotting dutifully down the street at my side.

It's funny that you mention the state of the blogging community, because just before reading this I linked to an old post of yours on my blog. You compared blogging to being at a cocktail party, and I love that.

As for good reads.. I like

(Also, if you read my blog, I would die. In a good way. And probably post more often.)

jennifer said...

ya know, a lotta people don't realize that mauve rhymes with grove?
i don't keep a list of blogs to read longer than about 6 at a time. you're one of them. so i just put a couple on my sidebar at a time. i most enjoy forgetting all about them and stumbling back by later . . .

Sparkie said...

For writing, keep an eye on Richard Lawson on Gawker. His fan fiction of RHs of NY and NYC Prep were priceless. If you're into that.

Sarahviz said...

I still have my blogroll up!

I'm thinking you'd like Jonniker. Or Jive Turkey.

Acanthus and Acorn said...

I don't know what is more funny, that you put your cat on a leash or you had mauve carpet! I once has 2 mauve chairs...makes me sick thinking about them.

I like to keep a blog roll. Occasionally, I will add AND delete as my interests change. Don't mean to offend anyone, that's just what I do, otherwise I'd go insane trying to read everything. I'll be curious to see what new blogs you find interesting.

Zakary said...

I don't know why blogrolls are totally out of style, I predict a comeback.

I know you read some of the same ones I read, but here's two you might not...

I read Sheye, love her, love her photos.

And Avitable, he is hilarious and I saw him speak in Chicago.

Petunia Face said...

You guys are all awesome. I am going to update my blog roll (just as soon as I figure out how to stop time).

Acanthus and Acorn--I have to clarify, not so much because I ethically can't take credit for the photo but moreso that I don't want anyone to ever think I owned the floral couch in the background...the photo isn't mine. I just found it on the internet. I never took a photo of Nacho on a leash, though I wish I had.

Kacey said...

Its just a theory,noone tar and feather me please,but I think with the recent popularity of vlogging,blogging is not as popular and people some people may be jumping ship.Of course I could be wrong,I have been before,many times.I for one,love to read and even though I have a few vlogs I watch regularly,they dont hold a candle to Petunia Face and comparing blogs to vlogs is just silly,since the mediums are so inherently different.But since you asked I felt compelled to give an explanation.I will say though that when you see a video that has had 236 million plus views,you cant help but think someones watching those things.

Alexsandria said...

Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me!
I used to have a blog on blogspot where I would just shit talk for the most part.
However at the moment I am traveling through Central and South America and I've moved my blog to Posterous, mostly because the photos are easy to upload and you can click to expand them.
My most recent update was rather exciting, if I do say so myself. I was hit by a tree! No lie! I probably should have died. But I'm doing fine and it certainly makes for a good read.

Check it out:

p.s. I've always admired your blog and comment once in a while. Most times it feels as though you've said it all so eloquently that all I could possibly add is, "yep" or "you said it man" (Lebowsky reference? no?).