Always here to tell you 'bout a new disease, a car accident or killer bees! Happy New Years, dearest Reader. Seriously, if you drink, don't drive & if you drive, don't close your eyes. Stay safe & we'll meet back here tomorrow (I'll cook up some bacon and butter the english muffins for your hangover.)
will you cook the bacon IN the butter? i can pretty much guarantee i won't be hungover tomorrow (which is how i spent 99 percent of new year's days up until i procreated) but i will pretend i am if that means i'm allowed to eat extra butter and fat and salt. xoxo
Hey – you should totally put your huff up at People LOVE to read about this kind of stuff and you might even win an Amazon gift card.
Hi, I'm Susannah and I love shiny things, swimming, the smell of fresh cut grass, orange blossoms and horse shit. The feel of my children's eyelashes on my cheek is a live virus that grows in me, multiplies and sustains. I will never understand Amish Friendship Bread.
I write for love but money works, too. Email me for more info, or just to say hello.
AULD LANG SYNE and all that jazz.
will you cook the bacon IN the butter? i can pretty much guarantee i won't be hungover tomorrow (which is how i spent 99 percent of new year's days up until i procreated) but i will pretend i am if that means i'm allowed to eat extra butter and fat and salt.
Wow, that video is horribly real and definitely makes it's point
I forgot to say happy new year after all that!
Happy New Year to you also. What time is breakfast? I want to make sure I don't miss the bacon fried in the butter.
Happy New Year to you too! I'll be there for breakfast! :)
for realz. fuck. jesus. fuck. i mean. fuck.
Happy New Year, love.
Hey – you should totally put your huff up at
People LOVE to read about this kind of stuff and you might even win an Amazon gift card.
I’m just saying …
Um, that video was awful. Truly.
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