So here's my question: Lately I have been getting some requests from companies wanting to advertise which is awesome and quite frankly makes my boobs feel bigger. So I'm considering it but have no clue what to charge. Per month? Per year? Per what and how much?
Yet another question: Does anyone know anyone who might have a brother who knows a guy that designs blogs? 'Cause I'm thinking I'm due for a facelift. Nothing major--no peeling my face back only to stitch it behind my ears. No, I want to stay on Blogspot but need a new look, a new template, a new gnu. Anyone out there? Anyone? And again, I have sand up my nose from sticking my head way down but I have no idea what this sort of thing costs. I only know I can afford cheap. Or free. Will dry hump for design? Did I mention what a good kisser you are? Thank you for reading this far, as well as for any suggestions or referrals you can give me. Me me me memememememeeeeeeeeee. Happy Hump Day, mes petites.
Stop making me pee my pants with your bizarro pictures... I don't have any advice to give on advertisers, but I do know I think it's totally awesome and overdue. Woohoo!
i have absolutely no advice or connections here. aren't you glad you know me?
you rock.
I have info to share. email me and we can chat or call me before the make out sesh.
I have a friend Beth, who actually got me started blogging, just by my reading her blog. She has a company that designs blogs, AND she accepts advertisements on her blog.
go to: ishouldbefoldinglaundry.com and then her design site is Ruby & Roja...there's a link on her blog with all the "facelift" details. She is awesomely friendly, will give you her email, (and she responds quickly too) and can give you pointers about advertisements and blog design. I think she's rea$onable too. Rate$ I mean.
I think it's about time you cash in on your awesomeness.
check out rainy day templates: http://www.rainydaytemplates.com/
ellie is awesome, hilarious, AND cheap!
My friend Lucie Duclos does graphic design and her husband Dave does websites and blogs. No job too big or small and they are local. Very down to earth.
I have no advice either, but I'm all for making my boobs look or feel bigger so I say go for it.
Patricia Van Essche just updated her site and had a great experience- you might check with her. pvedesigns.blogspot.com
Hi! I found this template designer because she's also a blogger!
She has some cute pre-made templates, but will also do custom.
I advertise my store on several blogs. It all depends on ad size & then your blog popularity. Most blogs will share their page rank or how much traffic they get. A small ad on a small personal blog is usually $10/month to maybe $40-$50 for a more popular personal one. Lots of other blogs do publish how much they charge so you could snoop around & find what you think is comparable to yours & see.
I don't do blogger or I'd offer to help!
good for you! you should as some ads for sure.
I just bought my daughter a redesign on her blog- just now in process-good prices- I like this designer's portfolio and the questions she asks you to think about where you want to go/what you want out of the blog:
--as far as ads go--I've paid anywhere from $2 a day (don't go there--I got 4 hits in a month) up to $550 for a three month spot(DesignMom) for ads for The Cupcakes Club (where I would get HUNDREDS of hits). I can send you her stats if you want. But, yes, you should do ads!
What the french, toast? Is that dog wearing contacts, or does it have glass eyes???
Hey Susannah-
I advertise Pacific Wedding Guide on a handful of wedding blogs including Style Me Pretty and Snippet and Ink. Rates can vary a lot. I'd recommend finding blogs similar in content and 'shopping' their rates. It would be a great way to bring home some bacon!
My cousin is Thirty-Something Bride, so I'll see what I can find out from her, or you can contact her and tell her that I sent you with questions. She's pretty new to blogging but she's got a lot of ads because she's done so well with her niche: http://thethirty-somethingbride.blogspot.com/2009/06/its-days-like-this.html
Thank you everyone for all the great tips! Now the problem is I actually have to DO something about it :)
God I am so lazy.
Off to research!
Hi Petunia Face,
I am Good (Enough) Woman's cousin, The Thirty-Something Bride. I can give you some pointers regarding ads if you still need the feedback. You can email me at thethirtysomethingbride@gmail.com.
As for design updates, I went to Google and looked under free blog templates. There are a bazillion. Good luck! Nice blog too!
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