Thursday, July 25, 2013

Virginia Lakes (I Have No Idea Where I Was Relative to the Rest of the State of California)

We went camping. Yes, there was a cabin, but it was of the log variety, and it was small and smelled of wet, so don't judge. We went camping.
Ozzy very much welcomed the opportunity to be dirty. In fact, he actually spent the week in a cloud of fine dirt, like Pig-Pen from the Peanuts Gang.
This photo screams boy.
He spent hours throwing rocks into the creek while I tried very hard not to get all reflective about never the same river twice, time and change and dying, death--quick! Throw more rocks boy! Build a dam and make it stop!
Zoey threw a few rocks, too.
 Both my menfolk look delicious in the Great Outdoors...
We also visited a Ghost Town called Bodie and I couldn't help but think of The Brady Bunch, demented prospectors and socks. Please tell me you know what I'm talking about.
Looking a bit like a demented prospector himself...
Quite possibly our 2013 holiday card. Act surprised if you're on our list...
We saw a bear. I caught a fish. Ish. I threw it back. My feet are still grimy and Ozzy has a new word: ew.
We are back from camping.


sweetbittertart said...

Such a beautiful family. I keep thinking about that first picture of Z I saw in front of the Christmas tree when I first found your blog, which made me think about my girl in front of a similar tree (she will be 20 this month, but yesterday she was seriously in front of that very same tree with pigtails too). Time flies so much. You are such a wonderful mom and a brave, kind, gracious and amazing girl. Just saying. xo

Petunia Face said...

Thank you thank you. And love to you and your petunia faced girl/20 year old. :)

wonderchris said...

Prospectin' Bradys!!

Your new Christmas card is amazing!

wonderchris said...

Prospectin' Bradys!!

Your new Christmas card is amazing!

wonderchris said...

Prospectin' Bradys!!

Your new Christmas card is amazing!

wonderchris said...

Prospectin' Bradys!

Your new Christmas card is amazing!!

Sending non-creepy interweb hugs your way.

Zakary said...

I love this hard.