Monday, June 18, 2012

Hey Girl...

I've had an insanely stressful few weeks. Family stress, money stress, work stress...not to be all coy and poop, but nothing I can write about here except to say that I am tired. And very very happy to have found this video at the end of a particularly bad Monday.

Just promise me you'll wait for the 37 second mark. This is an 11 year old Ryan Gosling performing with his sister at a Mormon talent show. (Did you know he grew up Mormon?? For that matter, did you know he could dance like that and/or rock a 90's wedge haircut and silk shirt combo???)

Big sigh.


Claire said...

That was AWESOME!! I hope your stress subsides soon! Your posts always brighten my day.

Anonymous said...

I could barely take my eyes of his high-waisted pants, but was so glad I did. He was a ladies man even back then!

nelya said...

Seriously awesome. I so needed that. Big thanks!

essbesee said...
