Monday, June 25, 2012

Cheers to Aging Dream Girls: Happy Belated Father's Day

This evening my dad made a remark about how I really need to post something because he's sick of seeing that photo of Priscilla Presley's bad plastic surgery. So am I and so I am.
My dad has always had a thing for Daryl Hannah, and we always teased him because she's a total mouth-breather, although she was gorgeous pre-fillers, brow lift, cheek implants and Botox. Is Botox a registered trademark? My bad, I think it is. Botox®

Here you go, Dad. This one's for you. :)



Else said...

Aaaargh! You know those dolphin (?) noises she made in Splash? That's what I'm doing now... Why, oh why, oh why....

Love your blog, btw - just promise we'll never look at the top right pic and see a beautiful woman transformed into.... this....

Anonymous said...

Oh, jeeez. Thanks a bunch, Blam. You have shattered my day.



Ceci said...

Why do they do this to themselves? It's messed up...

Anonymous said...

That a daughter would post portraits of her Dad's fading heartthrobs brings new meaning to Cruel and Unusual punishment.



The French Tangerine said...

I had no idea.. intensely gross!

Kelie said...

Please say that is not really Daryl Hannah in the "after" picture...

mikky said...

Yeeesh! I never would have recognized her if you hadn`t done the side to side.


Decorno said...

Botox isn't the problem with her face, it's the fillers.

I get Botox and no one can tell. I ask for "Seattle Botox, not LA Botox."

The problem with people touching up their faces is that many often don't know when to stop. "Elegance is refusal." Just say no to too much of anything and you'll be fine. Daryl Hannah didn't get the memo. She's lovely and couldn't have aged gracefully without all that stuff.

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