The only available rainbowish dress still out there is a Kate Spade polka dot thing that, although on sale, is still a leeetle pricey, plus I find it terribly hard to trust pigeon-toed models.

I mean seriously? It's everything I ever wanted in a shoe, and only $49 to boot. Or to ballet. Whatevs. Wonder if I could fit into the largest size if I shaved down my heels?
Ugh. You guys, it's raining here. Not even the hard kind of driving rain that makes your tummy feel funny in a good way, but the drizzly spit kind of rain that makes the day something to get through. I don't want to just get through the day. What I want is a rainbow frock. Or a shirt. A skirt? Sandals? Something? Can anyone point me in the general direction of where the sun is refracted through water droplets in the atmosphere, and there is a bevy of beautiful rainbows for me to buy?
Ugh. You guys, it's raining here. Not even the hard kind of driving rain that makes your tummy feel funny in a good way, but the drizzly spit kind of rain that makes the day something to get through. I don't want to just get through the day. What I want is a rainbow frock. Or a shirt. A skirt? Sandals? Something? Can anyone point me in the general direction of where the sun is refracted through water droplets in the atmosphere, and there is a bevy of beautiful rainbows for me to buy?
I don't know how you missed this one: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?client=safari&rls=en&q=rainbow+dress+for+adults&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=17843144631601418270&sa=X&ei=LmNhT5naGIaFsAKT5YiFAg&ved=0CIkBEPMCMAQ#ps-sellers
And it's only $26! Pull the trigger, you'll smile every time you wear it.
That is SO going to be my Halloween costume! LOVE IT!
Remember those rainbow sweatshirts from the 80s where the rainbow started on one arm, went across the chest and ended on the other arm? Those were awesome.
If you can't find one off the rack you can buy some rainbow fabric, buy your own pattern, cut out the fabric, and, if you don't sew, take the cut out fabric pieces to a seamstress and have it made for you. This should not cost too much if you pick a simple style.
I know it's not instant gratification but it may be a good solution
I was totally going to say the same thing - you can make something! Look up "how to make a circle skirt'. Easiest thing ever (I did this myself) AND you can make it into a dress if you want in a super simple way! Yay!
Bitches with 26" waists.
http://piperlime.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=79857&vid=1&pid=914368&scid=914368002 , maybe?
how about these...
pricey, yes but oh so cute.
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