Know how much I’m craving spring? This much—here is an actual train of thought I had the other morning as I walked to work: the city is too gray. Gray buildings, gray sky, gray sidewalks and streets. If I were Mayor Queen Master of Something I would pass an ordinance that each building be painted a different color. Pink and green, turquoise, orange…then the city would look more like the Caribbean and people would surely smile more. Right? Note to self: pick up some fresh fruit on the way home today.

Then I saw this amazing art installation and immediately felt quenched. Like if a soul could be quenched, mine was. Check out artist (and diver) Jason deCaires Taylor. He creates these immense ingots and anchors them to the seabed. He chooses material conducive to marine life, so that new coral reefs adhere and grow like children. The result is hauntingly beautiful.

Did you know? Over the past few decades we’ve lost over 40% of our natural coral reefs. Scientists predict a current demise of 80% by 2050. I’ll shut up now and just post some of the delicious photos.

It'salmostspring, it'salmostspring, it'salmostspring...sounds vaguely like inspiring.
you need a trip down this a way. it's warm, sunny and the birds are singing.
I'm guessing someone in your similar state of mind had that same conversation with himself decades ago in San Francisco... voila, the Painted Ladies!
I am with you on the need for Spring. I'm on day TEN of this damn sinus infection crud, so I'm daydreaming of laying on a beach, baking in the sun, HOT... ahhhh....
wow, haunting is right!
feeling much the same, I posted a great video a few days ago that quenched my need for color and warmth.
don't you love him? there is a calendar out I bought b/c a shot from this series was on the cover...
hope you guys have a great weekend!
Wow, I've never seen anything like that, way cool! I usually love winter, but I too am ready for spring, the short dreary days are wearing on me.
The world needs artists. That is such exquisite work I'm not surprised it made you feel better.
I had this vision of scuba diving (read: i don't even know how to put a flipper on) and swimming up to one of these unbeknownst of it's existence. Holy shit that would be terrifying.
holy shitoly these are AWESOME
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