Stinky feet and guns made of sticks, straws, toilet paper rolls, nose picking and the go go go thrum of kinetic energy. This is what I’m afraid of in having a boy, the compulsion to have one hand down his pants at all times and random photos like this that I see on the internet:

But then I see this last night, how my husband who was once so afraid of having a daughter now sits still for a makeover by a girl wearing too-small skeleton pajamas and a cat mask.

This surfer, sailor, beer-drinking, burrito-loving architect of a man has really stepped it up…

Which means, of course, that I need to step it up, too. Sharpen my sword, stick my hand down my pants, cock my finger and suck it up. I am going to be the mother of a boy. I am the mother of a boy.
OMG that is so funny and so true. We never know what they are capable of until we ask. You'll do wonderful and a boy will be so lucky to have beautiful women and manly men in his life.
I know you are nervous, but I am telling you it's like nothing else. You will LOVE it. There is a special bond between a boy and his mama.
Ohh the things we do for love!
You have nothing to worry about parenting a boy, when you can find inspiration on parenthood in your partner (plus he is awesome for letting you share those pics!).
I know you are great mother to Zoe so I am sure this new God Send Boy, will also find a wonderful Mother in you!
Sons are completely awesome. You will love it!
Don't forget monster truck pulls too...
God, I love this post more than you know.
As Jules says, there really is a special bond between a boy and his mama. You will be a natural.
Also, for all of the stinky feet, gun/sword/light saber play, here's a shout-out to the quiet, introspective ones, the ones who whisper "Mommy, I love you in my heart," and would rather snuggle up to read a book with you than scale the fridge. You never know what you're gonna get, but the beauty is that either way, he will be perfect.
(Although even the quiet introspective ones spend half their lives with one hand down the pants.)
Boys are awesome. So are girls. My boy is 3, my girl 6. She painted her fingernails a rainbow of colors, so of course he did too. Also the toes. He has decided he does not want to dress up as a princess anymore, but has not yet declared fingernail polish strictly a girl thing.
I only know from boys. That's all I've got. And they say Poopoo, penis, peepee jokes all the day. And there are times I wish I could crank their energy levels down about 12 notches. But, Jules is right, boys loooove their mamas. Mine kill me every day with their adoration and sweetness. and it is more than mutual. You will love having a son. plus, they have cooler toys.
I had all of those same fears that you have now. I will tell you that I have had more side splitting fun with my now 7 year old son! The sword fights, the kitchen spills that he finds so unbelievably funny, the sledding, the running, the rolling. Oh for the love of God the rolling!!! I NEVER knew how much fun these things could be. Thank goodness I had a boy...a girl would have been way to easy for ME! You will be wonderful, you already are!
Boys are awesome - I have one of will love it!! Congrats and a very Happy New Year to you! xxoo :)
OMG - that is so awesome! You will be wonderful! I've never had kids myself, but from what I see with my friends, boys are EASY compared to girls! You've got this...
i'm with you on this. i couldn't imagine mothering a boy. i suppose, however, the best things in life stem from that which we cannot even imagine, yes?
I absolutely ADORE this post and not for the obvious reasons of seeing your husband in drag, but for the mere reminder of "stepping it up".
As parents we question ourselves all the time...are we doing the right thing, are we paying enough attention, are we in the room or are we just "in the room", passing the time?
You will be a great Mother to a boy. He will make you think, laugh, and love deeper than you ever thought possible. You will want to learn how to throw a baseball, how to build a fort...all of it so that you can show him.
It will be much like the way it was after Zoey was born, wondering how you're even capable of having all of this love inside. But, you will...your heart will just burst with the birth of another child and you will wonder if it really has this capacity. It does because once our babies are born our hearts grow so large that they are permanently worn on the outside. Sensitive and ever growing with more love and more love.
So happy for you Susannah and so proud of your hubby for letting the pics. flow.
I've already told you that I'm a mama of two boys and how awesome it is, so right now I want to tell you about how I feel about your adorably handsome husband: He makes one UGLY mothereffin' woman.
LOL xo
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