Yep. I got the results of my CVS test and all is healthy and "normal," and it's a BOY. We are, of course, so so happy and wow'ed and excited, although I admit to having eyed all the naughty little boys in line at Disneyland with the slight metallic tang of fear in my mouth. A boy. (!!!)
I'll be back tomorrow with stories of the weekend. One in particular. I have to figure out how best to word it to minimize legal ramifications. (No hyperbole needed.) Plus, I'm getting more than a little joy in having my family sweat it out. The waiting is the hardest part...
Congratulations! I'm scared of having a boy too...they are all so naughty! ;)
Glad everything is happy and healthy though! Congrats again!
Yay! We are having a boy too! Due in February..we are excited! I know nothing about raising boys so we will be in the same boat. :) Congratulations!
PS How did Zoey take the news? Sydney really wanted a sister so it took her some time to adjust ;)
So happy you can join the crowd of women in your generation having boys. We think this may be payback for our generation of girls. Keli and Jenn will join you in your worries, thoughts and excitement. I'll be happy to give Zoey advice on being a big sister to a "little boy".
I knew it! Did I not call it? :) I may be biased, but I think boys are the best. The relationship between a boy and his mama is special. Unless, of course, you're Norman Bates. But, even then, how devoted was he?!
Congrats! Congrats! Ohhhh...you'll just love having one of each. It's the best..I promise.
the card is hysterical and congratulations for your baby boy! It's fabulous to have a girl first so she can teach baby boy how to be sensitive, kind, and to always know that girls rule.
Congrats! The card is hilarious!
You are going to have a blast, and, those boys, they do love their mamas.
Congrats to you! I have a boy and a girl - boys are far easier and less dramatic than girls. Can't wait to hear your stories! xxoo :)
Congratulations, Spectacular news!! Glad to hear your baby boy is healthy and all is well =) May the rest of your pregnancy be a breeze!!!
Yay! Boys are awesome and often much mellower babies. Then they become toddlers and you have to wear body armor and carry leashes. Still, the sweetness will astound you.
Oh my God! So, so, so exciting! Congrats to you guys!
CONGRATULATIONS! I have two boys, and they are the best! It will probably be quite different than raising Z, though. What does she think? How about Bryan?
Just remember to duck and cover when you change diapers. LOL
@Jules : hahahahahaha! :D
Boys rock!! (So does that card.)
p.s. really really glad the cvs came back "all good!"
Awesome!!! Love it! Boys are so fun...though I would like a girl now :)
Wow! Congratulations! Boys are lots of fun! As are girls, but you know that already. very happy for you guys. xo, s
Love that card! Congratulations. One of each is perfect. I've got a girl, 6 and a boy 3. I do have to say that boys are easier, emotionally, although my little guy is very sensitive and aware of his feelings, there is less drama. And little boys do have a special bond with their mommys, kinda like little girls and their daddys. So happy for you.
ps- my word verification is readiest, as in you are the readiest blog out there.
Congratulations! This is so exciting!
Congratulations, Susannah!! Your psychic was right
after all. I might get her/his name & number....did everything else pan out too?
Any name ideas yet? Zoro? Zoey and Zoro :-)) and
there is always Zachary...
I need the name of that psychic!
Oh, and lest your blog readers think I only care about the psychic... CONGRATULATIONS again!
And, of course, PHEW and HOORAY on the "normal" and healthy verdict xo
Congrats!! That card is so wrong but hilarious.
Yay babies!
Hey Lady Bug,
I don't have your e-mail, so this is the only way I could think of getting in touch with you directly!! Congrats on the baby boy to come! Boys are wonderful! Don't worry, Bryan will play with him; I am sure his old snoopy is somewhere and he will now have someone to pass it down to (and a future surf buddy, too!!). I am so excited you are having another baby, and a boy at that! My boys are excited they have a new cousin on the way!! My email: wendiec@clear.net, if you want any boy advice! Would love to hear from you!
Love you, kiddo...Wendie...in Vegas...Bryan's cousin...the one with two crazy boys!!!
I am ever so happy for you!
First, that all is well with baby and second...that it's a boy! I am telling you...I have a 5 yr. old girl and then the twins came...now 3. When they said a boy and a girl...I just didn't know what to think. Grateful...ecstatic...freaked out...scared! Everyone wants to tell you horror stories about boys, but let me tell you this...They are loving, sweet, caring, little protective men over their Mothers. There is a very sweet bond that occurs between Mothers and Sons and I think you're gonna be just fine. I was just telling mine when I was putting him to bed how much I love him and he said "Mama...do you just need some boy love right now?" - priceless! What does Zoey think? So happy for you! Hang on tight because this is where the ride speeds up! Take care and rest all that you can!
boys are the best! so happy for you...
Thank you all. Even though I just KNEW it was a boy, I'm still feeling awe-struck. Kinda' like the very first time you find out you're pregnant...I just can't imagine the reality. A BOY? A BOY!
And Zoey is stoked. She's been wanting a baby brother for awhile now. Somehow, she just knew, too.
Congratulations! I'm so super happy for you! And that card kills me. : )
Congratulations! Having my second child be a boy has been one of the biggest challenges and joys of my life.
That card is the best!!
Congrats on your healthy baby boy!!! Sooo exciting!
boy! boy!
oh man.
you guys are perfect.
yeah!!!so exciting - what does Zoey think??
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