Thursday, October 14, 2010

Koo Koo Ka Choo Corey Hart

Let's lighten things up 'round here, shall we? In News of Things That Don't Matter At All: I finally bought a leopard coat!
No, I am not nudey beneath said coat, and yes, I am wearing sunglasses even though it's clearly dark outside. It was 11pm and I had already washed my face and gotten in my nightie when I thought to post this bit of drivel so I asked Bryan to snap a pic since I knew he had to leave early this morning. I thought the sunglasses hid the I'm-going-to-bed-ness of it all.

Anyway, longtime readers will know that I have been coveting a leopard coat forever and ever, amen. (Now if only the temps would dip below 90 degrees so I could wear it before 11pm.)

Operation Benign Blog Post: Out.


Cindy said...

You got one!! Yay! You look gorgeous in it of course. I still need one too.

I think I'll pretend you are nekkid in it because that's more fun.


leigh said...

YAY! So glad you finally got your leopard coat!!!!

Koo Koo Ka Choo indeed!!

sweetbittertart said...

Yay!!! The long-awaited leopard coat! It's super awesome! : )

Jules said...

You did it! You bought a leopard coat! So, how do you feel? :)

Wait a minute. What are you going to blog about next year when your birthday rolls around?

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I have to tell you my favorite leopard coat story ~

When we first moved to San Francisco, Sean and I happened upon an estate sale in Nob Hill. The first and only thing that caught my eye was this incredible leopard swing coat! Best $5 I ever spent, and I still wear that coat with my head held high! Nothing makes you feel purrrfect like a leopard accessory!

Miss to Mrs said...

Saucy! It's perfect!

wonderchris said...

LOVE it - you look très chic!!

Rosalie said...

You deserve it! Was the purchase by chance in celebration of something?

Elan Morgan said...

This weblog is being featured on Five Star Friday -

Oh Brother! said...

I may be filming a "Save the Tigers" PSA spot with Leonardo DiCaprio in a few weeks... I'll show him the pic of you in this coat :)



Petunia Face said...

Oh Brother, I double dog dare you to show Leo. It's leopard, not tiger, and faux at that. Koo koo ka choo Gilbert Grape.

Jessie @ Style and Pepper said...

i guess we can't be pining-for-faux-leopard-coat friends anymore. i'll have to pine away full of longing by myself, now, while you galavant around looking all glam. (although i'm secretly VERY happy for your fabulous find!)