This past Sunday I went to a psychic. And when I say went to a psychic I mean I paid a woman in Florida to read me over the phone for an hour. Oh, I know how it sounds, paying someone to do something to you in italics. All hoo hoo ha ha Sequoia Na Na con carob when of course we all know now that carob is just as bad for you as chocolate and tastes like shit. But here's the thing: I believed it. Her. Everything. In things that hide and then come out again, in the vastness of strings.

I thought about not even telling you about this because it was personal. But then I remembered that one times a dozen that I wrote about having panic attacks, the post about how my step-father has been dying for years now, how I have told you that I have absolutely no ass to speak of: just two dimples and a crack. The psychic said I was a writer but why wasn't I writing? No, really, she said--why? Apparently my spirit guides are pushing me forward, she said, and then I nibbled on my granola bar, but still, I listened. Writing. She told me about Zoey. She said that I would give birth to baby #2 when Zoey is 5, that he is very intuitive and waiting. She talked about my dad, and then she said my grandmother was there. I reached for my Native American fetish bowl but she said no, this was my mom's mom. My mom's mom left when my mom was 8. She did not know her. I never knew her. She died in August and we just found out in November. But there she was--she has one hand to her chest and she is saying sorry, she is so sorry, tell your mother there was love there and she is so sorry.
It went on, of course, and while I know that more specifics would improve the post I will just say this: it was true. Whatever that means. Because here my thoughts are made of light, of smoke, and I imagine your eyes are absent. Do you believe? Maybe? The possibility of it like a climbing vine?

I believe! And if something can give you hope and peace then it's just that much better.
I believe.
With so many scam artists out there, it's hard to believe, but I guess somehow most of us do. My father went once to a psychic (although they were called differently then - she was more of a "medium") and
he told us many years later about it. He was a believer as the psychic told him things no one else but him
could know. On one hand I would like to know - as I am at a crossroad right now - on the other hand I'd
be afraid. Toying with the idea.....
sometimes i think i don't want to know the specifics. because then i'm not as open to whatever MIGHT happen. does that make any sense?
i have, however, visited a psychic more than once. one of them told me things that i didn't believe at the time but came true later, after i had forgotten about them. that was pretty trippy. this woman also told me that nothing she ever saw was set in stone. it was like looking into the future at where i'm headed given my actions right now. but that i have the power to change it. to use the information to make positive changes and to recognize behaviors about myself that lead nowhere. that was good to know considering her very first image of me was me being stabbed to death. upon further examination she realized it was a stalker whom i knew and me not trusting my instincts in regard to this led to me finding myself in dangerous situations. i met a guy years later who most definitely misunderstood our friendship and sort of blurred the lines of appropriate behavior. i remembered the meeting with the psychic and used that possibility to cut this guy out of my life without feeling bad. i just didn't feel right about him, even though he hadn't done anything.
this makes me sound crazy, i know. but this guy was coming to my house in the middle of the night to put flowers on my doorstep and once was caught looking in my window while i slept. he wrote me letters talking about our children and how we were soulmates. he wrote that letter the day we met. and i don't even remember meeting him. yes, warning signs. and this long rambling comment is all to say...yes, i thank the psychic for giving me the strength to trust my instincts. wow. i'm an idiot. look at this long ass comment.
a boy??? do you think he'll look just like bryan in the same way zoey looks just like you?
Totally believe..............
I totally believe. send me her info I need a little light.
I had a reading a number of years ago describing my husband. I see a hospital, scrubs she said maybe a doctor. 2.5 kids she wasn't sure what the half was maybe a miscarriage [I think it's my nephew]. I was making little greeting cards at the time and giving them to friends, she said I could take it as far as I wanted. I got the scrubs/doctor and the half kid and maybe the art part [some days questionable] but not the 2.0 kids so we'll see about that!
btw...yah on baby number 2, and a boy for bryan. Z is just too damn cute not to keep making pretty people.
I believe. I go to a "spiritual guide" about annually - more often than I go to a "real" doctor. I have always benefited from her insights. But I became an even stronger believer when I brought a skeptical Brad with me. Left brain guy that he is, he was nervous but willing to see. I will never forget the look on his face the first time we went, or his tearful thank-you for being able to "speak" with his mom for the first time in 20 years (she died of cancer when he was 12).
So if your guide helped you, I am happy...and I can't wait for you to have another beautiful babe.
Whew, you gave me shivers and tears.
Of course I believe.
I live in New Orleans a place where the houses are populated by spirits and ghosts.
I love that she told you to write, and not just play on a blog. And another baby!
Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
xo xo
I AM OBSESSED WITH PSYCHICS. but really i'll believe anything.
did she say anything about me?
Had you told her ahead of time that you had a daughter? That your maternal grandmother had died? Or did she know that without you telling her?
I am intrigued. Please send me the info about contacting her...
Also, how much did it cost?
Happy to hear Zoe is going to have a brother soon!
Hi all,
I hardly told her anything. Certainly nothing about my maternal grandmother. Honestly I was prepared to speak to my other grandmother and was surprised that the other came through.
I love hearing your stories about experiences with psychics. The whole thing astounds me--I simultaneously want to believe and don't want to be scammed. Equal parts open and shut. But this time really held true.
It cost about $100 for an hour. I've spent more on less.
Jennifer--she told me you'd ask me that. ;)
xo all,
Chills up my spine because really, i do want to believe, but something scares me into knowing what is ahead. Brave, that's you.
You've given me a serious case of the hee-bee gee-bee's! My husband is a serious believer. Me, not so much. Although after reading this, I'm not so sure. Incredible. I love that you shared.
That was chilling. I'm so happy for you. I've called psychics before and I don't care if people think it's weird...a good one can move you in a way that's indescribable.
Email me the deets, please? xo
my heart just exploded.
I don't think I want to know what's coming. I prefer the surprise.
So, why aren't you writing?
And by the way, I love cleaning out my husband's and my kids' ears. With a q-tip. Really deep.
that's cool. those pictures are awesome.
I sorta, kinda want to believe but I'm such a skeptic. I once went to a "shaman" at a very fancy spa and, among other things, he spit a mouthful of flower water on my breasts and left me feeling anxious and guilty for a long time (like months) because I couldn't stop having what he called "negative thoughts." Yuck. It was awful. But I suppose there are good ones. Right?
Still, so scary to think about what they might say.
BTW: I am sort of obsessed with mothers who leave. Morbid maybe, but I've always been a bit obsessed, even before I had kids. It's such a shocking thing. Every time I hear of it it's like the needle screeching to a stop across the album. Totally discordant.
wow. I completely believe in the possibilities... seen too much in my life not to... but I also strongly believe in how many people out there are manipulating that scene. I live in a town where that runs rampant so although I would love to see for myself, I have waited for someone who comes with a valid recommendation. Strange how it comes through somebody I have never met and isn't even close to home. I am interested in a major way and would love you to send me the info. Thanks for sharing (as usual), it keeps me feeling a bit more normal to see others embracing their "freakish" tendencies... and I say that in the most complimentary way! :)
I'm a firm believer in psychics! Was your lady from Casadega by any chance? It's a community of psychics in Florida where I had a reading once and the experience was very similar to yours. She was eerily accurate with information and relationships within my family Hope you enjoyed your reading!
I'm just catching up on months of posts and enjoying it all. Fantastic writing, as always. Thank you. I would love the psychic's info if you would please send it. I talked to one once and it was strangely unsatisfying but I Want to Believe, as they say.
im catching up on months noww aswell ... i can't believe she was so directly right ! i believe every word that physics tell me , the legit ones anyway
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