I've always had a flair for the dramatic. Of course, nobody ever really recognized my talent and as a kid I was always cast as hick #8 ('Lil Abner), or teenager #12 (Bye Bye Birdie) or girl #sofarinthebackImayaswellstayedhomeandwatchedPunkyBrewster (West Side Story). The same people always got the leads and I distinctly remember one year when the list went up and yet again I was cast as Dancing Girl #5 (Chorus Line). I was so crushed that when my mom came to pick me up I huddled on the floor of the car and cried so no one could see me--as I said, I had a flair for the dramatic and seat belt laws were not what they are now.
Because the world at large refused to acknowledge my star quality, I was forced to ham it up at home and with friends, acquiring a large cache of wigs. That's me on the left as cocky boy #Idon'tneednofuckingnumber'causeI'mrockingaDali'stache:

Ah, yes, and then there was this. I wish I could say the eyebrows were a wig, as well, but no--the brows were all mine:

So it came as no surprise when Zoey exhibited her own natural flair for drama. It started early with a fall (as it so often does):
And quickly unraveled into longer, darker, wiggier wigs:

I'm thinking she looks good with black hair? Perhaps a box of Preference Sable Onyx is in her future? Because "she's worth it?"

And then there's the accessories! Never has a girl rocked coke bottle glasses with quite this level of panache, am I right?

So there: two generations of (Chorus) Girls Gone Wig. My Zo has star quality, no? Already bursting into her own character with her very own script, and I couldn't be more in love with my role as mother.
wow you might have me beat on caterpillars! and that's no small feat.
Yup, she's her mama's daughter alright! So funny, I usually think she looks just like you, but in that second to last picture she looks exactly like Bryan.
this is hysterical! you make a lovely Foxy Cleopatra my dear, Susannah.
Um, I think it's high time you got a tight little perm and picked out a mean afro. That look totally works on you. :)
you guys are hilarious! love it :-)
you two are like wonder twins
I can't tell you how hard i laughed at the pictures of Zoey! So cute! And you look hot with an afro!
Zoey looks like the Pia Zadora beatnik in the John Water's original version of Hairspray (not the weirdass zac effron john travolta scientologist version)
i've already started finn on the dressing up as well. she likes to put hats on and then giggle at herself in the mirror. i'm not sure what i've started.
Growing up we had a bunch of my Grandma's old wigs, I have the best memories of wearing them. I was crushed when there was a lice incident and my mom threw them all out.
Zoey looks like the little Asian designer from The Incredibles! hehe
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