Dear Bryan,
The other night I asked you who you would save if you could only save one of us: me or Zoey.

It was a macabre question, I know that. But by now I imagine you're used to that, to me, to the pickled leopard shark in the glass jar on our mantel.

You answered my question correctly, by the way, if there is such a thing as correct in such a Solomonian dilemma. You are a fabulous husband but an even better father, and this is the way it should be, a slice of something I can't ever ever have or touch or feel because it is yours and hers alone, a father-daughter dance and I cannot cut in. And so I watch from the edge of the music, smiling as you spin her around and around until she cannot stop giggling, and it's true: it kills me a little bit. Every time. The pink sole of her foot in your broad palm, the way you love her and oh how she loves you. Thank you for it--all of it. For her and you and me, for this vastness of feeling, for being a father. For being you.
Happy Day.
I love you,
This is a beautiful post. I just asked Mr the same question, he too gave the right answer. ;)
bryan and i have the same question. same answer. he would always pick her. always. and it makes me want to cry it's so beautiful.
Beautiful, and lucky. I'm happy you have such love :)
And I love you too, Bry! I don't think I have ever known such a wonderful husband and Father as you. You're a very special, sweet, awesome man and Susannah, Zoey and all of us are very fortunate to have you in our lives. I thank you every day for our miraculous Zoey. You and Sus sure did some fine work with her....and continue to do so every day. Happy Father's Day and every day. We could never have hoped for better!
Love You,
Mom/Grandma Glitter/Judy
Listen I'm gonna stop reading this shit if I cry every damn time.
Before having kids, I thought of course you save your spouse, because you can just have another kid. Oh, what a fool I was!
Thanks for sharing :) Great post!
Yeah, what Leslie said ;)
Love this, Sus. :)
Chills and goose bumps and happy tears...what a beautiful dad's days tribute. They're sweet together.
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