(Please tell me you pronounce flaccid "fla-sed" and not "flak-sed," because if you don't I don't think I can be friends with you anymore which would suck because I really like you. After all, fla-sed is almost an onomatopoeia while flak-sed might as well be something you scrape off the bottom of your foot after a summer spent barefoot on the hot cement.)
(While we're on the subject: can we just agree that it's Cah-RIB-ee-un?)
(And vaaahze?? Bish, plz. It's a Vayse.)
Anyhoo, Happy Friday, friends. I plan on spending the weekend fairly oozing and lazy. What about you?
wait...what? are there really people who pronounce it flak-sed?
I also hate when people say sshhedule. You don't say sshhool, do you? Hearing the apparently "British" version of schedule is like taking my eardrums and grating them on a cheese grater. I'm just sayin'.
Have a great weekend!
I just spit up laughing!
I love this pic way too much. I just may keep coming back to laugh at it in between stressing with my teens over studying for finals which are next week.
I'm enjoying my first free Friday since summer vacay ended last year. I'm celebrating by not showering until bedtime tonight!
You know what word I hate?... Booths! As in, "let's go look at the booths at the fair." Say the word five times and I'm sure you'll agree with me!
@scribe - my prof "nick" says "shhedule" all the time and it drives me up the wall.
it's definitely flah-sid. i've never heard of flak-sed before. that's just kuh-ray-zee
Guilty on vahse - but I'm a Canuck and we're caught between French and the Queen's English on some words. I'm with you on flaccid, though. But I've lived here (Marin) for 14 years and even I don't know how I pronounce some words anymore. Sometimes I have to call my mother (in Canada) and have her remind me how I say stuff.
But the one that bugs my ass the most? Erb. (HHHHHHH-erb, dammit!)
I hate when people say ad-VERT-is-ment, instead of AD-ver-tise-ment. Annoying. But I admit to saying vaaahhze. Vayse just doesn't sound right to me. I also say aunt, not ant like the gross bug.
"What about you?" Don't ax.
Never ever ever heard it pronounced flak-sed. Great shot.
Just blah. And bleck.
How bout, pa-JAH-ma's. I say pa-jam-ahs.
Or do you say po-tah-toe?
My husband just said "cou-pon" instead of "que-pon". I gave him the riot act for that one!
And PS. to all those that say "vahse".. the silent e at the end makes the "a" say it's name... vase!! We all learned that in first grade!
My boyfriend says "ash-fault" for as-phalt. Seriously, did I miss the silent "h" somewhere?
but I do say vahse.
I say Vahz. And Carrib-EE-an. And adVERtizment. And tomaaato (although, never tomahto). But never, ever, aluminium!!
And, while we're on the topic of incomprehensible... could we please chat about wedding invitations? How many tacky, nasty, ugly, vile ones are floating around out there?! I just can't understand how otherwise sane people pay for such crap (received one from a dear friend this week; ugh)
we are still friends as long as you say ray-diator and not rah-diator
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