Friday, May 1, 2009

In Transit

I am looking into my magical crystal ball... I see... what's that? Ah, yes, I see a terrible no-good weekend of moving ahead of me, boxes and bad grocery store sandwiches, possible rain for Saturday, the U-Haul we rented probably won't make it up our driveway. Fuck. And then this: Sunday. Come Sunday we will be homeless, shifty-eyed, our clothes in trash bags, staying at Bryan's parents' house until our new house becomes available June 1st. So yes, here is what I'm seeing in ye olde crystal ball (apparently homeless shifty eyed me gains a few lb's between now and Sunday and has taken to passing out on park benches):

Stay tuned for a Very Special Petunia Face Limbo Edition come Monday!
Happy weekend to everyone who is not moi,


Thao said...

Where do you find all these hilarious/gross images?! Good luck with the moving, Susannah! I hope it's not as terrible as your crystal ball fortells.

Petunia Face said...

Hi Thao--click on the pic for the link. And thanks for the good wishes! Off to pack boxes and weep into my garden just a little bit...

Michelle M in KY said...

Oh Susannah...
This is a HUGE transition for you and in this midst of crisis in the world (economy & swine flu)...don't take it lightly. Take a few moments to mourn for what you're leaving behind! But, think that the future holds many great things for you and the family. (especially in that cute California bungalow w/the big bulb Christmas lights hanging on the front...I do hope the other tenants let you keep those!!) What you are doing is brave even if it's not fair. What is fair is that you're family is intact and healthy. I know that sounds all cliche, but it's true. Wrap your arms around that beautiful family of yours and take that big leap into the unknown. I'm sure that there's a beautiful rainbow waiting...with unicorn peeking out from behind. Good luck on the move. On a side note...I could NEVER live with my in laws! I hope this next month with yours will provide some really good material for the blog. Just keep's temporary, it's temporary! BTW...that pic on todays post was fucking hysterical & kind of sums up how I am feeling today and how I am looking now that I come to think about it. Have a great weekend!

Petunia Face said...

Hi Michelle--thank you for the well wishes. Last night I lay down in the grass in our backyard for awhile, just sort of saying goodbye. I'm big on drama.
As for staying with the in-laws--I'm lucky in that I actually really like and love them. It'll just be tough to be in limbo. Although Zoey will LOVE it!

Vanessa said...

I know your new home will be even better than your last. It might not be the best weekend, but I'm wishing you a great one anyway!

Annie Crowninshield said...

how do you find this shit!? You kill me. Seriously. That picture is actually kind of creepy and weird. In other words just my cup of tea!

Hope your weekend doesn't bite the big one too bad and I think its cool that Zoey gets a month to live with her Grandparents. That will be pretty special. And who doesn't like some built in babysitters!

Anonymous said...

you are fantastic.
please let your readers know you have been nominated in blogger awards so they can vote

mosey (kim) said...

I don't think grief applies only to losing a person, but also to losing places, experiences, memories, and the tangibles that encompass them.

Best of luck with the move, and don't be afraid to wallow a little bit.

Petunia Face said...

Wait--Geordy and Pete--
I was nominated for an award? Really? I can't find it. What is it? Help! (Biggest Luddite Blogger?)

s. said...

Good luck on the move, Susannah! Great things lie in wait for you just around the corner; forge ahead.

Patois42 said...

Thanks for wishing me well because I'm not you.

nicole said...

crack is whack and you're not...well at least not in a bad of luck!

Unknown said...

Who you are is how you are, wherever you are.

dee said...

OMG moving sucks so bad. And to have to be in limbo for a month really, really sucks. Sorry, Sus:( I know you will generate A LOT of funny stories though from this adventure!!

Anonymous said...

hey there.
you silly billy! you are up for hottest mommy blogger, best humor blog and best blog about stuff.

check out:

get your peeps to vote!

Petunia Face said...

Hi Geordy and Pete,
I think those nominations are for 2008 (and under the url for the original Petunia Face, before I accidentally deleted the blog). I don't think I'm nominated for 2009 or under the new url.
Happy Sunday night (or Monday? I think you're in Australia)...