My apologies for the late post today. I was out this morning running errands, ultimately trying to find Waldo on the ceiling poster at my gynecologist’s office. For the record, I did not find Waldo, but I did find uncomfortable and good-lawd, la la la la la, and then my happy place which just so happens to be right around the corner from holy pointer finger Batman, where is he going with
that? If you must know I highly regret marking YES next to the box asking if I have any family history with colon cancer. Shoosh.
In the name of all that is Oathy and Hippocratic I leave you with this WTF from the annals of medicalia:

Because nothing says maternal love like sucking up your baby's snot through 15 inches of plastic tubing. Shut up. You know you want to try it.
Eeeeew. Did you notice that thing is made in Sweden and has been used by Swedish moms and dads for years? Whoever wrote that is a damn liar. I have a Swedish dad and if he ever tried to suck snot from my nose I would have kicked him in his bearded face. And I have never, ever heard of anyone I know there using that monstrosity. Sick, I tell you. I am sooooo disturbed right now.
Gag. Gag. Gag.
I just threw up in my mouth a bit... ehh...
very few things disturb me...but that picture...shudder...i think i need a hot shower...
okay, that snot bubble (nasal aspirator) thing people use already scares the crap out of me and makes me gag. this, this is nightmare worthy...
holy nastiness!!! i love it!
I agree with Vanessa. Growing up and living almost all my 30+ life in Sweden, I've NEVER heard of that thing before! I think I can speak for the entire Swedish population: DISGUSTING!!
Where the HELL do you find all your wacky pictures woman???
The snot thing? I don't think my girls would have survived their nasty colds without it ! I'm not Swedish but Swiss and over here everybody uses it. Don't worry there is a little sponge inside; you don't have to actually eat the stuff... BTW I discovered your blog only a few days ago and my husband is going to divorce me soon: I have spent all my evenings reading EVERY single post and comments from 2007 through 2009. Just go for the book and make sure it's on amazon so I can buy it from overhere.
Awesome gadget! Gross? Are you kidding? Nosefrida totally rocks.
Unless you prefer to snot all over you and your kid instead of course.
Get one.
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