Awhile back the positively glowing poet Maggie May of Flux Capacitor presented me with a lemonade award, for blogs who are both sweet and sour. In return, I would like to give a lil' sugar to the following:
- monkey from my life as i see it. Like e.e. cummings, monkey eschews caplitalization. Read her blog and you'll soon see--monkey lives her whole life in upper case and does not need the affirmation of puncutation.
- Vanessa from the Voyage of V. Maybe you saw the full page photo of her in the Inaugural edition of People magazine? (Sorry to embarrass you Vanessa.) If not, then you must dash over to her blog to read about how she quit her job to pursue writing. Gotta' love that.
- ? from Your Ill-fitting Overcoat. Funny how I don't know her real name. But with a blog name as fabulous as that, does she need a real name? Perhaps that is the name on her actual birth certificate. If so, I wouldn't be surprised to one day see a book at Barnes and Noble by the world-renowned author Your Ill-fitting Overcoat.
- Sharen from The Blogger Queen. She's a queen, yes, true, but she's the kind of queen that would let you have your cake and eat it, too. I just have a feeling.
- Paloma from La Dolce Vita. As if it weren't enough that she has a kick-ass design blog, she just started a design forum for the www. I love a lady who knows how to work a room, and this one does. Check it out at Decorum Design Forum.
Wow. I feel a little better. Turning the frown upside down (which is okay because I have no money to fall out of my pockets). The truth is (cue Lionel Richie), I don't know how I would have gotten through this last year without all of you. Nameless, faceless, pseudonymed friends that live in the dusty whirring of my hard drive. You're my imaginary support in a world of concrete instability, and I thank you for that. Sadly, there aren't enough blog awards to go around, not enough time to recognize all of you. But know this: I know you. I hear you. I read you, and I thank you.
Happy Hump Day. May your mood be lightened.
how do you do that? you are in a mood and yet you make me cry over here with your kind words. fuck.
i hope when i grow up my moods are as wonderful as yours.
even the bad ones. cause they're the most spicy.
Thanks Susannah! That's so nice of you! I was definitely in a shitty mood, feeling down and out, but hearing that you've enjoyed reading my blog has lifted my spirits. And I will forgive you for the People magazine mention, since it's off the shelves now :-)
However, I can't claim I'm bold enough to have quit my job, I'm just on a leave of absence until the summer. Then I have to go back to Sweden (unless I find a job here). But I have to admit, the last few days I've really been seriously thinking of quitting and just staying here and hoping for the best. cary, but perhaps worth it?
Thanks again, lady. You're awesome!
So very lightened! You. Are. Rad. Thank you!!
I've been in a "mood" for a while now. I just can't seem to climb out of it and the fact that sun NEVER shines here anymore doesn't help. Your blog is always a bright spot in my day. Thanks for always giving me something to smile about.
How strange that I've been feeling guilty for needing YOU. I've felt so selfish when I check and your blog hasn't been updated the minute I need a smile or laugh. Know that even when I don't comment, I love everything you write. When I write a comment to you I feel like David Letterman interviewing Julia Roberts - all giggling and stumbling over my words in awe.
Thank you so much, Susannah! I can't tell you how much this means coming from you. I honestly admire you so, so much! How you can manage to be inspiring, even when you are deep in the trenches of a mood, I'll never know. It seems the only thing I can only manage is to be a bitch when I am in that state.
Truly, you are amazing! I hope this economy turns around sooner than later. Wishing you all the best! xoxo
Susannah, I LOVE your writing so much that I HAD to check your blog in the middle of my workday and because I have no privacy I went into the handicap bathroom at work. You know the big one on the end.
Dude, there's a gift waiting for you at my blog now!
We are not an imaginary support system; we're real and we love you.
Wow! We only discovered each others blogs recently and I already just love you. I have a great respect for your writing.
Thank you for appreciating my writing, it is the greatest compliment I could ever want ... except for "you are getting too skinny". That one is a little bit better.
I've been in a mood too. For some reason I am without my credential when I was supposed to get it a couple weeks ago. Grrr...
Susannah, not so anonymous here, it's Amy B. If you get any more moods, I'll be darned if I don't just start up a new blog to curse/push-pull/tempt you to push some limits. And you have way better sources of content. Damnit. The only story I have to compete with the China Bandaids is the JIC Stick. And don't get me started on that one... peace. PS I hear you on Costa Rica concerns. Big time...
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