Personally, it's always bothered me that one little piggy had roast beef while the other had none, and the fact that none is supposed to rhyme with home. It doesn't. Name the other pig Guillaume and be done with it, or Jerome perhaps, send him to yoga to om, give him a dish rich with truffles and loam, in his back pocket a black plastic comb, have him reside in a pied-à-terre at La Place Vendôme, or Rome. Shalom. But none? Yeah--uh, no. (Don't even get me started on the travesty that is Dora rhyming with Explorer. Bish, plz.)

No matter--I've always hated roast beef anyway. Today I have some toes to tickle, so it's Wee! Wee! Wee! All the way home for me.
Happy Friday.
With love,
The Petunia Faced Girls
Why do you keep posting stuff that grosses me out? YUCK! Anyway, Miss S, have an awesome weekend!
If I lost a toe, you better believe I'd have that tattooed on my foot! Amazing.
Okay. I have no idea what any of that meant.
Where DO you get these hideous pictures?! This is the third one, two of which I saw here, this week that have left a mark on my psyche!
that photo is extra disturbing, maybe even more than the vagina bike!
That person has a great sense of humor!
I love you.
That's all.
My grandpa had to have his big toe amputated due to diabetes. He didn't have that rad tattoo though.
Have a good weekend. (I hope you aren't facing amputation.)
I must say I like your whole focus today.
what? feet!?
My dad lost half his pinky finger and when I was a baby, he used to put it in my nose so that it looked like it went all the way up there. It freaked out all the nice ladies at the grocery store.
Dad, you're my guy!
Oh Dear!!!
Thats a crazy picture, and very inventive!
That picture made me gag. Loudly.
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