China bandaids. As in, leaving her alone in the room for five minutes only to discover a trail of pink plastic wrappers leading to the scene. Yes, china bandaids: as in mommy what are these? And I hesitate and then hesitate some more before tentatively answering that they are bandaids that mommies sometimes wear on their vaginas but that they are not for big girls like Zoey? And I finish the explanation with a question mark, just like that. You know, vagina bandaids? For that part of you that exists on the other side of the world? As in: the rest of the weekend spent telling Zoey that no, I would not buy her a box of china bandaids of her very own. But that's okay, because now, forever after, I have a name for them that does not begin with maxi or include the word sanitary.
You're welcome.
HA! That is awesome!
At least she isn't coloring on them :)
Oh man. That picture is going to be featured prominently in the "embarassing photo montage" at her wedding.
i think if she had opted for the ones with wings you would have yourself a serious piece of art there. :)
I. love. this.
China bandaids. Brill.
my little cousin walked in on her mom (my big cousin) in the bathroom inserting, um... a china Q-tip. She exclaimed: Mommy! What are you doing with that PeePon?
So that's what my family calls them now. PeePons.
Ah, yes--the wings would have made them butterfly bandaids!
As for the inevitable "peepon" question: Yeah. Um. I've been quite literally turning my back on that discovery as I do not want to encourage anything going in there just to be like mommy. Ahem. Shuffle, cough, hair falling in my face. Jeez.
I love the look on her face! She's so proud!
That is SO funny! Leah likes playing with those too...WTF??
thanks so much for this laugh today. i needed it. bless you!
Totally, thank you.
Brilliant! Waht a smart mommy for giving her a word that sounds like such a cute thing. I told this to hubby and now he knows the code!
I was NOT here.
Oh that poor child. This photo will most certainly end up at the rehearsal dinner photo slideshow as Tess said above.
I actually just came in to comment that this is one of those pictures of a child where you can look at her face and predict what she is going to look like around age 18. At least I think I know. Fascinating.
Hahaha, that is too funny, great picture to remember that moment too for when she gets older
That's hilarious!
Oh my God. That's too funny. Keep that one on file when you need to embarrass her later in life!
this post made my day, your little girl is darling!
Thank god I have no need for China Bandaids anymore(nor for a long, long time...the only blessing of premature menopause to be sure), but damn that's a great name and a great story, worth sharing.
I love the look of pride on her face, as though she's just taken an Ikea chair and transformed it to a Chippendale with her magical china bandaids. Lovely.
My 4 year old daughter calls them "mommies diapers".
Whatever they want to call them is fine with me and gives us a good laugh!
Priceless. Love it - China bandaids and peepons - of course!
My poor mother, after giving birth to moi almost 30 years ago decided she would try out the new self adhesive 'china bandaids' having used the old 'belt and china band aid' up until then. Poor mum though..... she 'tried it out' the wrong way, sticky side up...... nothing like a 'wax' hours after birth.... xx
i think that is the magical age of wonder- my little sister discovered "bandaids" around the same time. i'll never forget her coming out of her room with her little yellow stretch pants on...and large, rectangular lumps all through her pants. over her knees, her thighs, her bottom...bandaids everywhere. kids are awesome.
oh man the things they come up with!
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!
ps- when I was "coming of age" and had to wear maxi pads I shared a bathroom with my (then still kid) brother. He took out the bag of maxi pads from under the sink and asked me why I had all those "presents" wrapped in pink paper. lmao!
Oh I love you for telling that story ... reminds me of my own that I just simply CANNOT put on my own blog, but will put on yours:
My 8-year old saw me drying off in the shower. She looked in horror at the string hanging out of my "China" and exclaimed "Mom! You have trash coming out of you!" She looked disgusted at me and left the bathroom as I stood there naked, laughing.
China bandaids! With a photo! I can't stop giggling.
I remember when I had to hide the tampon box from my 3 yr old--she would rip all of them open and offer them to people as "treats." Lovely.
i'm laughing all the way down to china.
seriously, i'm not sure what's funnier.
the name 'china bandaid' or the mere fact that your first reaction to her question was to answer that they are bandaids for your vagina.
oh my dear god, that is funny! she is so stinkin' cute!!
And man alive is she ever lovely!
That's the best name I've ever heard for these. It's been 5 minutes and I'm still laughing.
OMG. Hilarious.
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