There is a Santa Claus and she (yes, SHE) has a tummy like a bowl full of Cheer--ee--oh--eeoh's.

A job? A pony? Come sit on her lap and tell Santa what you want for Christmas. Ho Ho Ho and a bottle of rum, or something like that.
Happy Friday,
With Love from Susannah and Zoey
That is the sweetest thing EVER! She looks like a Snow Baby. How sweet.
Oh, those EYELASHES!
What a cutie!!! She looks warm and toasty!
do you ever look at your beautiful child in amazement and think "I MADE her?!" she's so beautiful!
She is the cutest Santa ever!
Oh man she is SUCH a cutie!
one of the cutest kids ever!!
She is so adorable!
Thank you all :)
And just for those kind comments Santa will give you everything you ever wanted!
That's a great photo. She looks so adorable. I wish our mall Santa looked like her.
That is the cutest Santa ever!! PS Check your email:) xo
You can see a lot of your husband in her in that photo. No, not the beard or the red velour... just the smile and something around the eyes.
I had a weird ear infect that made me squeal like a stuck pig during an entire flight from Bombay to Kathmandu.
Dorothy Parker once said, " If you are going to believe the good reviews, then you have to believe the bad." I think with her usual dark wit she is saying, " Don't believe any of them."
As a writer, you write what is true for you with no apologies and "Fuck'em if they can't take a joke." All it takes is some clarity of vision, an unteachable talent for words and a balls to the wall courage.
I suppose it shouldn't matter if 100 readers howl in praise of Zoey's beauty, the beauty of your writing .... or, one poaches from the underbrush of anonymity taking cheap gut shots at who you are with additional solutions as to how you should behave. I suppose it shouldn't matter but it does.
" Critics are the black flies in the face of the plowing ox.", so goes an African proverb. .... The question is whether you want to stop and swat or plow on and write the next best thing that comes to mind?
I say plow on.
That's a beautiful coat
Sweet photo!
She is so beautiful.
I am tagging you for a meme...don't hate me ;)
so stinkin' cute!
Awwww, so sweet. All girls should have eyelashes like hers!
Darling, she has gorgeous eyes!
She is a living doll!
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