Check out my blong. Yes, that was a typo but I'm keeping it. "Bling" is so LYNMT2005APIJFMAASWPDYT (Last Year, No Make That 2005 And Plus It Just Flags Me As A Square White Person, Don't You Think? for those who may not be up on the latest acronyms). Plus, "blong" mixes the dazzle of bling with the weight of schlong and that is a beautiful thing. Anyhoo. Where was I? Oh yes. My blong: the snazzy new ROFL Award. (Again for those not up on the acronyms: ROFL stands for Running on Four Legs. Which I don't do so maybe that's wrong. Now I'm just trying too hard to be funny. So here it is flat out and real: Rolling on the Floor Laughing Award, hosted by Chicky Chicky Baby. When I told my husband that I won this award he replied quite dryly, "oh you crazy bloggers with your ROFLS!" Little did he know that I won the award for writing about pooping at work. If he had realized that he would have made me a freaking cake.) A Smeddling Kiss nominated me and now I want to make out with her. Which my husband would also probably make me a cake for doing, but that's a post for another day. Anyway, thank you Smeddling Kiss and Chicky Chicky Baby. I am honored to think that across this great nation people now think of me while dropping an office deuce. Okay, vainversation topic #2: Me! And Zoey! And Bryan! With pics!!! Last night I found this old montage I made of the first year of Zoey's life and I thought I'd share it with you: Vintage Petunia Face before there was ever a blog:
And then I decided to make a new video, something slightly less schmaltzy and a little more upbeat. Petunia Face Productions presents Zoey From One to Two and Then Some:
I don't think I need to tell you where to go to make your own video seeing as how the logo is all over the damn place in those montages. Suffice it to say perhaps someone is more narcissistic than I? Ahem, Happy Friday to all.
Susannah (Who Does Not Run on Four Legs) UPDATE: GAH! I don't know why my videos are cut off on the right side, but I blame it on Sarah Palin.
UPDATE ON THE UPDATE: Rosalie is my tech support. Go to her blog for your own IT questions. ;0
If anyone deserves the ROFL award, it's you my dear. I thought you were gonna say the MILF award. That'd be awesome too.
congrats on your award - much deserved! - and i adore these videos. too sweet.
Thanks so much for sharing those videos with us! Zoey is such a gorgeous little girl! She should be a model!
By the way, some of those pics sparked my's the potty training coming along? My April 24th baby is not interested one bit!
OMG, you guys are the CDF (cutest damn family) I have ever seen. Congrats on your award, you make me ROLF everyday.
OMG, such an ACORN, had me ROFL IMHO & AFAIC. AFIAA, URYY4M...VBG, LYLAB ('cause I am).
TTFN- Your bro :)
Love the vids. I could look at Zoey montages for hours. She just makes me smile. :)
Know what else makes me smile? YOU getting cool awards. You deserve every one and I'm not one bit surprised.
Aw shucks guys, thanks. This is a Happy Friday indeed.
Jen--to answer your potty training question, no, Zoey is so far not that interested in the big girl potty. I've decided to stop pushing it. I doubt she will start high school in diapers (but if she did I would support her 100%).
Love you all!
Believe it or not, I know why your images are cut off! Me, a technically challenged person knows this.
If you go in to the embedded code you will see a 800 number. Change it to 600. If it says 600, change it to 400. If it's says like 860 then change it to 660 (just change it to 200 less than what it is). If this doesn't work, then maybe someone else knows what is wrong.
Love the photos! I am going to do it for Sadie now too.
Congratulations you SITHFBTILS! Oh, you don't know what that means? Shiiii... Well, miss, suffice it to say I think this award is well deserved. I have never laughed so hard on a blog before, ever.
Now, for the schmaltzy stuff. The image of you and that little munchkin peeking through the logs is too cute. And I love modern-day Zoey and her red sunglasses. So fashionable! So, I've known Paulie since forever. We were even prom dates. Does this mean I get a cute little Zoey, too? Cause I really want one just like her.
I happened over here yesterday because I saw the award. I laughed and laughed, and then I had to bloglines you. So glad I did. Those montages are so nifty.
Still loving your blong.
xo xo
yes, yes, i believe we should blame everything that's bad in the day on ms. palin, including global warming.
get outta here. that kid is ADORABLE.
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