One day this little girl got into a car, an SUV if you must know, and drove drove drove down the coast of California, the theme song of D-D-D-D-D-Dora lilting out the open window like so many Willie Nelson tunes, weaving through San Luis Obispo and on into Del Mar, a tiny hamlet of sand and money by the sea.
The little girl soon realized that being holed up in hotels gave her even more power over her parents, so afraid were they of ruining other travelers' vacations with the gleeful joy of a toddler.

Wheeeeee! she screamed down the hallway at dawn, and was promptly given a cookie for her efforts. (At this rate, in fourteen years you just might see me handing Zoey the keys to a brand new Hummer on a very special Petunia Faced episode of My Super Sweet Sixteen. Kingston Rossdale is rumored to perform.)

On Thursday the little girl and her family arrived in Santa Monica for a wedding. At the rehearsal dinner, she was given her flower girl basket to practice and she quickly took the opportunity to wander through the restaurant tables collecting cash. Dollars flowed like so much wine and somewhere in the Greek Isles the honeymooners are now having a drink courtesy of the little girl and her panhandling Petunia Faced eyes.

Oh, sure, it was not all bills tucked into the tops of bikinis. There were moments of self-doubt. Moments when Mommy had to give the girl a pep talk. You can do this, she said, knowing all along that the best flower girls freeze. The best flower girls don't part with the petals. Instead, the best flower girls shuffle down the aisle, only realizing on the return trip that all eyes are on them. Then and only then the best flower girls stop mid-aisle and face the photographer smiling, tossing petals high overhead, spinning around and around on tippy toed Target glittery slippers like a cheap jewelry box ballerina. In this manner, the little girl was the best flower girl ever.

After the ceremony, emboldened by love, the little girl went out to find her own Prince Charming.

She looked all around but did not find her one true love. When suddenly!

The little girl looked up! And there it was! Her Prince Charming, his Royal Highness the Ferris Wheel, handsomest truss system in all of Carnie-landia.

Later, much later, the little girl discovered that there is no such thing as ONE true love when she met the older girls, a gaggle of cousins who fed her steak (the same steak she would not eat with her mother) and blew her bubbles. She was in love many times over, girl crushes galore. Soon the little girl was acting like a pre-teen and would have nothing to do with her parents. She scoffed and tch'ed and no'ed her mother, never once letting her cut in to dance with her.

The next day, clearly hungover from too many bubbles, her feet aching from tripping the light fantastic, the little girl allowed her parents to take her to the Santa Monica Pier where she got to ride yet another ferris wheel. This one had gondola seats and thus did not give the same sense of vertigo in rolling over the top. The little girl was not impressed.

And so it was that the girl who had begun the trip as little had grown just ever so much. A tch here, a ferris wheel there, as a mermaid swimming in pools, a flower girl whose feet never once touched the sand. The girl with the eyes wide blooms of petunia had blossomed on a trip by tossing rose petals high overhead on a ribbon of road studded by Bells of Taco and Big Dels Supreme. And then we all lived Happily Ever After. The End.
She's the cutest flowergirl ever! Adorable! And mom looked lovely in her bridesmaid dress.
um, did this wedding have a ferris wheel? coolest. wedding. ever. you both look beautiful in your bridal party gear!
You and the Zoester looked beautiful.
oh my goodness looks like a wonderful time! and i loved the "slideshow"...never once wondering how many more clicks were coming. that zoey is too cute for words.
It doesn’t seem possible, but I think Zoe keeps getting cuter and cuter. Great photos!
You've got a TOTAL knock-out family, Sus.
I just wanted to snatch Zo' right out of those pictures and squish my cheeks against hers!
Lovely story! I wish vacations with my 2-year-old went so swimmingly! Instead we spent our trip hearing "I want to watch [Little] Einsteins!!!" over and over again. And we thought putting a DVD player in the car was such a great idea.
Thanks for the pics and for sharing your adorable girl with us. Precious!
I can't decide which is cuter, your daughter or the story!
You are a great storyteller...
STOP! That is the cutest fucking post ever. I am being honest (as if I'm not always..) when I say on the days I can't wrap my head around the possibility of parenthood in my near future your little Petunia Face makes it all SO real. We're not trying yet but with more of these posts it will be sooner rather than later.
Side note: 2E was planning to propose atop that Santa Monica pier ferris wheel but bratty over here wouldnt be seen with him off the beach b/c he forgot his shoes in the car. Whoops.
2E just read this and said you two need to make more babies.
That was one of the best fairy tales ever.
Wow - She is a mighty cute flower girl! Love the black dress.
Agreed. More Susannah and Bryan babies.
Super cute photos. I was hoping for one of Grandma Glitter in her complicated dress.
She's so cute I could lick her.
Way too cute. Zoe could sell some serious amounts of Welch's with those cheeks, but she's far too amazing for them.
Move over Cinderella comes Princess Petunia (and her pet ferris wheel)!
Move over Cinderella comes Princess Petunia (and her pet ferris wheel)!
so cute! you and zoey both look adorable--well worth the trip!
Zoe is soooooo cute!!! Those eyes!!! You both look great in the photo in your wedding attire.. Love the family photo on the ferris wheel.. She looks about outta gas there...too cute!
Ok, I think you guys better start pro-creating fast, before your eggs/sperm loses the CUTEST friggin baby making quality EVER.
Looks like a good time was had by all. Zoey is adorable, and you looked Smashing as well!
Thank you all for such kind words. It was a fantastic wedding! I didn't want to post any pics of my brother and his wife as I'm sure they'd like to post their own pics to family first. But suffice it to say they were glowing and beautiful!
And yes, there was a ferris wheel at their wedding! And a merry-go-round and a cow named Bob. It was held in the Malibu hills at this place called Calumigas Ranch--so beautiful!
Best. Fairytale. EVER!
God, I totally love the way you write.
adorable! did your brother seriously have a ferris wheel at the wedding? oh - and are those tiny pebble tiles I see in the background at Les Artistses? They look familiar!
Being totally honest, I have never seen a little girl more gorgeous than Zoey. It's almost annoying. Because I'm sure there's some sort of ratio that says my future daughter might get hit with the ugly stick, just to balance out Zoey's cherubic good looks. So, I mean, that's cool. ;)
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