Thursday, July 24, 2008
Read Me (Hey, It's Better Than The Original Title of This Post Which Was "Eat Me")
This just about sums it up.
A total cop out post, I know. I seem to be full of 'em lately. But last night was Bryan's birthday. We were out boozing it up, eating steak and butterscotch pudding. And then the dog ate my homework, I had no time to write, the sun rose and today I am at work nursing a Jabba the Hut-like bloat and, you know, working. So I turn the tables on you, dear readers. I have never been able to categorize this blog. Am I a Mommyblogger? A Personal Blogger? A Blah Blogger? What do you like to see me write about? What are your favorite posts? Your notso faves? The ca-ca you hate. Is there anything you want to know? Anything you'd like me to write about? Inspiration, people, I need me some. And this goes to all you lurkers out there, too. I rully rully wanna' know what you think. Because today I have no thoughts of my own. Speaking of which: this image? I have no idea from whence it came. But I love it and I fall on the sword of the Gods of Blog Karma as I do not want to steal. But there you go, there it is, here I am and there you are. Your karma ran over my dogma and now 'tis but a glob on me blog.

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Although I Love your Zoey posts, I think calling this a mommy blog does not give you enough credit. From either my comments, or from Erin you may already know that I was formerly not a baby person (obviously that changed!) but have read your blog from the very beginning and Love it.
Why limit or try to categorize? You are an awesome writer and the fact that you blog about a lot of things - parenting, working, your love of Anthro and chai make this an awesome blog - no additional explanation necessary.
Hmmm...steak and butterscotch pudding? Did you happen to go to Town Hall for dinner last night? Their butterscotch pot de creme is soo tasty.
You're a great-writer-with-good-taste blogger.
You are beyond categorization! You are simply a blogger. Or do you want to be categorized?
I think you can be whatever your little heart wants you to be. But if you really are dying to know, in my head you're in the "personal blogger" category.
I think personal blogging is the hardest. I don't think I have the courage to really put myself out there completely, warts and all, but that's what makes the really well-written personal blogs so great and touching. And you're wonderful at it.
Personally, if you're going for a label, I like "Defies description."
Funny, I've been going through the same thing the last few months.
There's a fine line between "vanity" and "personal commentary." I think you do the later so beautifully, I think of this blog as a modern New York Times meets Ok! (without the New York, the news, the ads, the celeb gossip or even enough time).
I dunno, it's "Day In the Life."
Why read Dave Sedaris? "Cause he's damn funny and so are you... and insightful... and inspirational.
Funny thing is, I think it's all out of our control, it will define itself.
Just be (but e more often, please, I love it!)
Your supportive and truly admiring brother.
You called me out, so here I am. Hi, I'm Kamryn and I'm a loyal April 06 BBC lurker. I don't know if this fits into a category, but I'd say you're a "real" blogger. I know you without actually knowing you in an acceptable non-stalkerish way. You're hysterical and uber intelligent and occasionally use words that I have to look up. I'll admit, a part of me is living vicariously through you. Is it weird, in my first formal introduction of myself, to say I have a crush on your blog?
No, you're not just a Mommy Blog. There's way more to your blog than just the momminess (as an English teacher I reserve the right to make up words). Your blog is very real and identifiable to many types of people (according to the comments that are posted). While my favorite posts do tend to be about Zoey and/or Bryan, I like that you go beyond just that part of life to make this a great multi-faceted blog. I've even recommended it to many of my family and friends for an every day pick-me-up!
I came on board when you were wishing and hoping and
thinking and praying,
planning and dreaming for a job...maybe I like the desperation you conveyed?! Just kidding- I think your writing is at its best when you're real...when you just "speak" and the words seem to be so effortless for you. If it's any consolation--many bloggers seem to be having the "dog days of summer" block going on..no worries.
I like it when you blog about me.
I don't like it when you blog about my current place of employment.
But, let's not talk about that anymore.
Seriously, I like your non-average take on average scenarios and events. You are a great writer and you make me laugh out loud ALL the time.
I'm a relatively new reader, so I'm not totally sure about the whole range of your posts. If pressed to categorize, I would probably call you a personal blogger.
What I like most is not knowing what to expect.
Keep on keeping on!
i would put you in the-first-blog-i-read-everyday category. i think the only thing i don't like are the days you don't post.(i mean during the week-i know you need your weekends). otherwise, what's not to love?
You can't be cateogrized! Your Zoey posts are wonderful and some of my favorites, but like others have said on here, you just can't be limited to the "mommy blog" category. You're way more than that. Even your "cop out" posts are great!
I do believe you are a "Bagina" poster....is there a category for that...
I don't like it when you post about Butterscotch pudding...makes me want to yak.
I also get jealous easy...
My days are shit when you, Mint Julep, and Regardez Moi are not posting. So..I'm going to call you a.....
Fab-u-licious Blogger ....
I love when you write about your relationships with Zoey and your mother! I think anyone who is a mother IS a mommyblogger, but I don't think that word should be limiting in any way.
I think you are beyond categories as well. I lurk, I read, I use your blog to escape the monotony of my day.
And I agree "bagina" was the most superb post evah. I even linked to it because I thought every woman should read it. =p
I like the variety and how you don't just post about anyone aspect of your life, because that would just be boring.
You know that I love you...but your blog is a Whole Woman blog...not just a Mommy blog. Catagorizing it EVEN in the nomination process (hint to lurkers go out there and vote for Best Blog stuff for this bloG)
That being said. I read alot of blogs, yours first of course, and EVERYONE myself included is hitting the skids as summer progresses, with topics to blog about. YOU can blog (write) about your toilet bowl ring and we would all be laughing and peeing our pants. You are just a good writer. Me? I like to converse with myself on paper. I wish I had the comment ers that you do so that I can quit talking to myself.
So, does all this make sense? We love to hear about Zoey, her Bagina, how you spent the summer of 1994 and your funny finds on the internet. Doesn't matter, you are that good!
I love your Mommy posts and I love your take on the workplace that usually really makes me laugh. Hmmm...whatever you put out there I'm usually buyin' so I have no complaints.
Thanks for all of your comments! I particularly like the idea that I am a "Bagina Blogger." From now on that's what I'm telling people when they ask what my blog is about. Why, Baginas, bien sur!
And do I have the sweetest brother or what? I'm really going to have to step it up in my toast to him and his bride at their wedding next month. No calling him naked weiner or anything (what I called him when we were kids for his penchant for nudity).
So what I'm hearing is this: you guys just like honesty. Even better when it's raw. And I cannot agree with you more but sometimes, oh, sometimes it gets tiring, stripping down 5 days a week. Sometimes I want to just post a purdy picture and call it a day. Hope you're okay with that.
Thank you all for commenting, for reading and for being you.
And Rosalie--I will try my darndest to post a tribute to your awesomeness at least once a week. And no, it will have nada to do with "that place."
To name it is to know it? Fugged'i bou' dit. I like your blogs about your wonderful father.
Let's see in the past several months of reading...your writing has made me laugh, cry, wish I was a mother, wish I had paid more attention in my English classes (punctuation and all that good stuff), and jeez what else? Too much to list really. I have peeked out from being a lurker once or twice...but now being called out for an official mission of categorizing you, I don't know! I just know I love the honesty and humor in your writing.
I never know what my blog is either. It started with interior design bc I was fixing up my apartment and those were the first blogs I ever read. I wasn't really aware of others even existing.
Your blog in my own mind is categorized with the other blogs I read where the craft of writing well is the central focus of the blog. I think your sister blog in this is Messing with Texas. It's not about anything in particular other than an exercise in language that turns out to be incredibly enjoyable (which should be obvious by the fact that so many people voluntarily read what you put out there)
hello. i've been lurking. now i'm introducing.
i like your blog. i think you are very funny. sometimes i laugh out loud. i am also from the sf area. but recently moved to colorado. your blog brings back little memories of the place for me.
mmmm... i call your blog funny, young, observant, and well written.
keep going.
You're a Funnyblogger. Is that a category?
As a lurker, I don't read too many blogs, but I always read and really enjoy yours. Not sure what categorization does but keep writing what you feel, because that is what I enjoy about your blog.
I'm a little late in the game on this one - I have been catching up on my blog reading this weekend since I was away on vacation last week sans laptop. I read in the comments here that your blog is the first thing that someone reads in the day. To be honest, your blog and mackin' ink are the last things I read in the day. I savor them. I cannot chance being knee deep in one of your posts and having someone walk into my office to interrupt me. It's too personal, to real to bring into the work place for me. I read it in my alone time, my at home time. Because I want to give it my full attention.
You are a mommy, you are a writer, you are a blogger. I don't think you can aptly categorize your blog as a mommy blog. It's real, written by someone who has an amazing way with words, who makes me think and makes me laugh and makes me happy that she writes for me every day. (You are writing for me, right?)
I wouldn't know how to categorize my blog either, it's something I've thought about, too.
And... V8, if you're reading - thanks for the shout out in your comment :)
Kamryn summed up my thoughts pretty well. i'm a blog stalker too, found you through Paige @ I heart you and I heart YOU! :)
here are some adjectives I would use to describe you: witty, relatable, easy-going, cool, artistic, creative, silly, serious, confident, insecure, fun, predictable, beautiful ... and I'm sure if I knew you in person there would be so much more. Don't put yourself in a box ~ just keep the fabulous blogs coming!!
~ courtney in dallas, TX
You are just fucking brilliant. Do they have a fucking brilliant blogger title?
And if you can't beg, borrow, or steal something from the inter net, then what's the world coming to? There is nothing totally undone or original out there.
And who has time to make something original all the time. As my art teacher once told me: steal from the best honey.
A blog is personal, and you put things you like on it, including other people's stuff.
But if it gives you a thrill to think it's naughty, then go for it you bad girl.
Hi another lurker peeking out from behind the curtain! Your blog is amazing, funny, open, well written... I love it. It is one of the blogs I read daily that inspired me to start writing my own blog.
I wouldn't limit yourself to a certain category... you are at your best when you write openly about whatever seems to be on your mind, in my very humble opinion!
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